The Second Coming of Jesus (PBUH) the Messiah
1:53:18 2024-09-22 12

In this chapter, we will examine the revelation of Jesus' (pbuh) second coming, as described in the Bible and the Qur'an. Like all other Prophets, Jesus (pbuh) is a distinguished and celebrated person who was blessed by Allah with superior moral qualities and sent to guide his people to the righteous path. However, certain other qualities set him apart from the other Prophets: He was born without a father and will return to Earth at some point in the future. The Qur'an, Prophet Mohammed's (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) hadiths, and the works of Muslim scholars all confirm this fact.

All of the information we have indicates that Jesus' (pbuh) second coming is imminent. The time of his return, expected for centuries by both Christians and Muslims, is on the verge of being fulfilled (Allah knows best.) What we need to do now is to learn how to best prepare ourselves and our world for his arrival. For genuine believers in Allah, the best way is to join together in order to establish his teachings in our societies and attain the honor of being counted among his supporters.


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