How does a person demand what he wants from people?
12:21:47 2023-05-06 264

Since life is based on cooperation, integration and completion, each individual in it must need others, and ask them to do something, and it is the nature of people that they differ in their acceptance of orders and demands. Some people do not want to hear demands, and some of them do not mind listening to orders, and have the ability to respond to them, but the majority of people - it seems - do not prefer direct orders, because they feel that it undermines their personalities and affects their pride, and they prefer to get orders and demands in the form of petitions, or requests, or suggestions, or wishes, or hopes, or the like.

and for example:

An employee has no objection to fulfilling requests and orders, if he has received them from his manager, or from someone else, in the form of a request.

Hence, taking into account the human nature and the psychological aspect of the other person is one of the most important matters and behaviors in dealing with people.

There are many good expressions in this field, which may make the other party do the actions desired of him, on his own, and for example these expressions: (I ask you to do such and such), (I ask you to help me with such and such), (I hope you will do such and such and such), (I suggest you do such and such), (I hope you do such and such), (I would like you to do such and such), (How would you like to do such and such), (Would you make Such-and-such), (I expect you to do such-and-such for me).

And if one used his mind well, he would come up with a lot of nice phrases that give the concept of requesting and commanding others in order for them to do the actions desired from them, but in an indirect technical way.

Moreover, the method of petitions, pleas, suggestions, wishes, and hopes makes it easier for the other party to correct his mistake, if he is wrong, because it preserves his personality, spreads a sense of importance in him, smooths his leadership, and pushes him to cooperation and agreement, instead of motivating him to quarrel and stubbornness.

A person can try this method himself, such as saying to someone he knows: I wish you would help me in this work of mine, or in a manner similar to this method, because he will willingly help him, but if he was asked to do so in the form of a direct order, he may not respond to it, and he may respond: Who are you to issue your orders to me?

In addition to the fact that the majority of people do not prefer to receive direct orders, some of them do not like receiving them in front of a group of people, because a direct order in front of a group may produce a greater negative effect. As a rule: the type of a person, his human nature, and his psychological state determine the method of requesting from him, and it is best to use the request in an indirect manner.

In order for a person to make people rush to the actions that he hopes from them, or proposes to them, he does not issue direct orders to them, and he asks what he wants from them in the form of a request, a suggestion, a wish, a hope, or the like.

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