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A relay

المؤلف:  Stan Gibilisco

المصدر:  Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics

الجزء والصفحة:  145



A relay

In some electronic devices, it is inconvenient to place a switch exactly where it should be. For example, you might want to switch a communications line from one branch to another from a long distance away. In many radio transmitters, the wiring carries high-frequency alternating currents that must be kept within certain parts of the circuit, and not routed out to the front panel for switching. A relay makes use of a solenoid to allow remote-control switching.
A diagram of a relay is shown in Fig. 1. The movable lever, called the armature, is held to one side by a spring when there is no current flowing through the electromagnet. Under these conditions, terminal X is connected to Y, but not to Z. When a sufficient current is applied, the armature is pulled over to the other side. This disconnects terminal X from terminal Y, and connects X to Z.
There are numerous types of relays used for different purposes. Some are meant for use with dc, and others are for ac; a few will work with either type of current. A normally closed relay completes the circuit when there is no current flowing in its electromagnet, and breaks the circuit when current flows. A normally open relay is just the opposite. (“Normal” in this sense means no current in the coil.) The relay in the illustration (Fig. 1) can be used either as a normally open or normally closed relay, depending on which contacts are selected. It can also be used to switch a line between two different circuits. Some relays have several sets of contacts. Some relays are meant to remain in one state (either with current or without) for a long time, while others are meant to switch several times per second. The fastest relays work dozens of times per second. These are used for such purposes as keying radio transmitters in Morse code or radioteletype.

Fig. 1: At A, pictorial diagram of a simple relay. At B, schematic symbol for the same relay.

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