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Stationary Phase : Column Chromatography
المؤلف: LibreTexts Project
المصدر: ................
الجزء والصفحة: .................
The type of adsorbent material used as the stationary phase is vital for efficient separation of components in a mixture. Several different solid may be employed. Adsorbent material can be chosen based on particle size and activity of the solid. The activity of the adsorbent is represented by its activity grade, which is a measure of an adsorbent's attraction for solutes in the sample solution. The solids with the highest activity grading are those that are completely anhydrous. Silica gel and alumina are among the most popular adsorbents used. Alumina caters well to samples that that require specific conditions to adequately separate. However, the use of non-neutral stationary phases should be done with great caution, an increase or decrease of pH in the alumina stationary phase may allow chemical reactions within the components of the mixture. Silica gel, however, is less active than alumina and can generally be used as an all-around adsorbent for most components in solution. Silica is also preferred because of its high sample capacity, making it one of the most popular adsorbent materials.