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مواضيع عامة في الكيمياء الصناعية
الكيمياء الاشعاعية والنووية
Column Efficiency
المؤلف: LibreTexts Project
المصدر: ................
الجزء والصفحة: .................
Peak or band broadening causes the column to be less efficient. The ideal situation would to have sharp peaks that are resolved. The longer a substance stays in the column it will cause the peaks to widen. Lengthening the column is a way to improve the separation of different species in the column. A column usually needs to remain at a constant temperature to remain efficient. Plate height and number of theoretical plates determines the efficiency of the column. Improving the efficiency would be to increase the number of plates and decrease the plate height.
The number of plates can be determined from the equation:
where L is the length of the column and H is the height of each plate. N can also be determined from the equation:
where tR is the retention time, W is the width of the peak and W1/2 is half the width of the peak.
Height equivalent to a theoretical plate (HETP) is determined from the equation:
or HETP can also be determined by the van Beemter equation:
where H equals HETP, A is the term for eddy diffusion, B is the term for longitudinal diffusion, C is the coefficient for mass-transfer between the stationary and mobile phases, and u is the linear velocity. The equation for HETP is often used to describe the efficiency of the column. An efficient column would have a minimum HETP value. Gas chromatographic columns have plate heights that are at least one order of magnitude greater than liquid chromatographic column plates. However GC columns are longer, which causes them to be more efficient. LC columns have a maximum length of 25 cm whereas GC columns can be 100 meters long.