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2366       01:31 صباحاً       التاريخ: 10-12-2015              المصدر: A. W. E. Chan, E. G. Hutchinson, D. Harris, and J. M. Thornton

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 The b-bulge is a term used to define a specific secondary structure feature of protein structures, where the regular hydrogen bond interactions and backbone conformation of the b-sheet are disrupted by the presence of an extra residue. The additional residue is usually located on a b-strand at one edge of the b-sheet, where the bulge is more easily accommodated within the structure of the protein (Fig. 1). b-Bulges occur frequently, and often there are two or more per protein (1). In some cases, b-bulges have been found to be conserved in the structures of related proteins, where they may play a functional role. The more general role of the b-bulge is to alter the direction of the b-strand, so that it may be considered a type of turn. However, the change in direction of the polypeptide chain is not as pronounced as that caused by other types of turns. 

Figure 1. Example of a classic b-bulge in an antiparallel b-sheet. Three b-strands of the antiparallel b-sheet are shown. The normal twist of the b-sheet is clearly accentuated by the b-bulge, caused by an additional residue in the middle b-strand at the edge of the b-sheet. The close-up view of the b-bulge (right) shows residue X from the b-strand forming backbone hydrogen bonds (shown as dashed lines) with two residues (1 and 2) from the outer b-strand. For clarity, side-chain atoms have been removed, backbone nitrogen atoms and backbone oxygen atoms are shown as dark spheres. This figure was generated using Molscript (3) and Raster3D (4, 5).
A b-bulge is that region between two consecutive b-type hydrogen bonds that includes two residues (called positions 1 and 2) on one b-strand opposite a single residue (position X) on the other b-strand (2). There are several different classes of b-bulge, most (90%) occurring between antiparallel b-strands. The two most common are the classic and the G1, accounting for about 80% of b-bulges. In the classic b-bulge, the residue at position 1 has backbone dihedral angles (f = –100, y = –25), closer to those of an a-helical than to a b-strand conformation, but residue 2 has angles closer to the b-strand conformation (f = –180 and y = 160). In the G1 b-bulge, the residue at position 1 has a positive f value (f = 85 and y = 0) and is therefore almost always glycine (thus the name G1). The residue at position 2 of the G1 class has dihedral angles corresponding to b-strand (y = –90 and y = 150). The G1 b-bulge often occurs in combination with a type II b-turn (which requires a glycine at position 3). Compared to the usual b-sheet structure, a b-bulge disrupts the alternating side chain placement on one of the b-strands and increases the right-handed twist of the b-strand from the usual 10° to 35° to 45°.
1.A. W. E. Chan, E. G. Hutchinson, D. Harris, and J. M. Thornton (1993) Protein Sci. 2, 1575–1590.
2.J. S. Richardson, E. D. Getzoff, and D. C. Richardson (1978) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 75, 2574-2578.
3. P. J. Kraulis (1991) J. Appl. Crystallogr. 24, 946–950. 

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