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L Chains Are Assembled by a Single Recombination Event


1638       11:55 صباحاً       التاريخ: 29-4-2021              المصدر: JOCELYN E. KREBS, ELLIOTT S. GOLDSTEIN and STEPHEN T. KILPATRICK

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L Chains Are Assembled by a Single Recombination Event

- A λ chain is assembled through a single recombination event involving a V gene segment and a Jλ -Cλ gene segment.
- The Vλ gene segment has a leader exon, intron, and Vλ - coding region. The Jλ -Cλ gene segment has a short Jλ - coding exon, an intron, and a Cλ -coding region.
- A κ chain is assembled by a single recombination event involving a Vκ gene segment and one of five Jκ segments, all upstream of the Cκ gene.
A λ chain is assembled from two DNA segments (FIGURE 1). The Vλ gene segment consists of the leader exon (L) separated by a single intron from the V segment. The Jλ −Cλ gene segment consists of the Jλ segment separated by a single intron from the Cλ exon.
J is an abbreviation for “joining,” because the J segment identifies the region to which the Vλ segment becomes connected. Thus, the joining reaction does not directly involve Vλ and Cλ gene segments, but occurs via the Jλ segment (Vλ Jλ -Cλ joining). The J segment is short and codes for the last few amino acids of the variable region, as defined by amino acid sequence. In the complete gene generated by recombination, the Vλ -Jλ segment constitutes a single exon coding for the entire variable region.
FIGURE 1. The Cλ gene segment is preceded by a Jλ segment, so that Vλ -Jλ recombination generates a productive Vλ -Jλ Cλ .
A κ chain is also assembled from two DNA segments (FIGURE 2). However, the organization of the Cκ locus differs from that of the Cκ locus. A group of five Jκ segments is spread over a region of 500 to 700 bp, separated by an intron of 2 to 3 kb from the C exon. In the mouse, the central Jκ segment is nonfunctional (φJ3). A Vκ segment (which contains a leader exon, such as Vκ ) may be joined to any one of the Jκ segments. Whichever Jκ segment is used, it becomes the terminal part of the intact variable exon. Any Jκ segment upstream of the recombining Jκ segment is lost; any Jκ segment downstream of the recombining Jκ segment is treated as part of the intron between the V and C exons.
FIGURE 2.The Cκ gene segment is preceded by multiple J segments in the germline. Vκ -Jκ joining may recognize any one of the J segments, which is then spliced to the C gene segment during RNA processing.
All functional J segments possess a signal at their 5′ boundary that makes it possible to recombine with a V segment; they also possess a signal at the 3′ boundary that can be used for splicing to the C exon. Whichever JL segment is recognized in DNA V-JL joining, it will use its splicing signal in RNA processing.

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