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Stellar parallax: The parallactic ellipse


1693       02:04 صباحاً       التاريخ: 1-8-2020              المصدر: A. Roy, D. Clarke

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Stellar parallax: The parallactic ellipse

We consider in more detail the path traced out on a geocentric celestial sphere by a star throughout the year.
p = P sin θ (1)
In figure 1, the star X has heliocentric right ascension and declination α and δ but because of stellar parallax it is displaced towards the Sun S1 by an amount XX1, given by equation (1), namely
XX1 = P sin XS1. (2)
Since the Sun moves round the ecliptic in one year and the star is always displaced by parallax towards the Sun, the star’s path X1X2X3 . . . during the year will be a closed curve on the celestial sphere, enclosing the star’s heliocentric position X.
Figure 1. The projection of the parallactic ellipse on the celestial sphere.
Let S1 be the point defined by the intersection of the great circle through the north pole of the ecliptic K and X with the ecliptic. Then S1 is the position of the Sun when its angular distance from X is least. Let S2 be the Sun’s position three months later. By equation (1), we have
XX2 = P sin XS2. (3)
Three months later, the Sun is at the point S3 and the star’s displacement to X3 is given by
XX3 = P sin XS3. (4)
But S3 is the Sun’s position six months after it occupied the position S1. Hence, their longitudes are 180 different and
XS3 = 180 = XS1.
By equations (2) and (4), it is, therefore, seen that XX1 = XX3 in size. In a similar manner, it can be seen that if S4 is the position reached by the Sun six months after it left S2, the parallactic displacement XX4 of the star is equal to XX2 in size but in an opposite direction.
Now S2 and S4 are the positions of the Sun that are farthest from the star’s heliocentric position X, that is S4S1 = S2S1 = 90, so that the star’s parallactic shifts at such times are greatest. Any other shift, such as XX5, will lie between XX1 and XX2 in size. Hence, the apparent path of the star due to stellar parallax is an ellipse whose major axis is parallel to the ecliptic and has a value P arc sec. The value of the minor axis depends on the star’s position.
For example, if the star happened to be at K, the north pole of the ecliptic, the minor axis would be of length P arc sec, since all solar positions would be 90◦ from the star’s heliocentric direction K. In other words the ellipse would be a circle. If, however, the star lay on the ecliptic, the ellipse would degenerate into an arc of the ecliptic, the minor axis vanishing.

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