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Date: 2024-06-05
Date: 2024-04-16
Date: 2024-03-14
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Phonetics SUMMARY
We examined the basic elements of phonetics, which are prerequisites to understanding the patterning of sounds. We looked at the fundamentals of articulatory phonetics including voicing, places and manners of articulation, voice onset time, and dimensions that are relevant for vocalic articulations such as tongue height and backness, as well as lip positions. We also reviewed some common non-English sounds that might be of relevance. Finally, we had a brief account of syllable and suprasegmental features such as stress, tone, intonation, and length.
دراسة: الفطر سلاح فعال ضد الإنفلونزا
حدث فلكي نادر.. عطارد ينضم للكواكب المرئية بالعين المجردة
خلال شهر رمضان.. العتبة العباسية المقدسة تستعد لإقامة أنشطة دينية وثقافية في باكستان