المرجع الالكتروني للمعلوماتية
المرجع الألكتروني للمعلوماتية

English Language
عدد المواضيع في هذا القسم 6083 موضوعاً
Reading Comprehension

Untitled Document
أبحث عن شيء أخر
ترجمة محمد بن لب الأمي
من نثر لسان الدين
أعمال الأعلام
زيارة لسان الدين ابن الخطيب
تعليق للمقري
مـبادئ المنظمة المُتعلِمـة والمـهارات المطلوبـة فـي العامليـن فـيهـا

اقسام الحائض
خطبة الزهراء ( عليها السّلام ) في مسجد النبيّ ( صلّى اللّه عليه واله )
الاحتياجات السمادية للشوفان
Triacylglycerol Fate in Liver and Adipose Tissue
التظاهر بالرذائل

Bad eye sight  
655   04:29 مساءً   date: 15/10/2022
Author : L.A Hill
Book or Source : Advanced-Anecdotes in American English
Page and Part : 20-1

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Date: 18/10/2022 689
Date: 17/9/2022 491
Date: 11/10/2022 283

A young man was called up for army service, but he didn't want to become a soldier. When he went for his medical exam, he pretended that his eyesight was very bad.

The doctor pointed to the eye chart on the wall and said, "Please read the top line."

"The top line of what?" the young man asked. "The top line of the chart," the doctor replied. "What chart?" the man asked. "The one on the wall," the doctor said. "What wall?" the man asked.

Finally, the doctor decided that the man's eyes were not good enough for army service.

That evening the same young man was at a movie when another man came in and sat next to him in the dark. When the lights went on, the young man saw that his neighbor was the doctor who had examined him earlier. Immediately he said, "Excuse me, ma'am, but does this bus go to Main Street?"


A      Answer these questions:

  1. What did the young man do to avoid military service?
  2. What did he say when the doctor said, "Please read the top line of the chart"?
  3. What did the doctor decide at last?
  4. Where did the young man go that evening?
  5. Who sat down next to him?
  6. What did the young man say when the lights went on?


B     Which of these sentences are true? Write down the correct ones.

  1. The young man in this story was unwilling to do his military service.
  2. The young man in this story was willing to do his military service,
  3. He avoided it by pretending that he had bad eyesight.
  4. He failed to get in because his eyesight was very bad.
  5. When the doctor gave him orders, he could not understand what the doctor said.
  6. When the doctor told him to look at things, he pretended he could not see them.
  7. He went into a movie theater by mistake, thinking it was a bus.
  8. He went into a movie theater to see a film.
  9. The doctor came into the theater with the young man.
  10. The doctor came into the theater after the young man.


C      Write the number of the correct sentence under each picture:

1-He asked him whether the bus he was o went to Main Street.

2-He went to the doctor for a medical exam.

3-Someone came in and sat down next to him in the dark.

4-The doctor tested his eyes.

5-Then he let the young man go.

6-A young man got a letter from the army.

7-The young man went to a movie that evening.

8-When the lights came on, the young man saw that it was the doctor.