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أبحث في الأخبار

Marine Biologist


2502       01:47 صباحاً       التاريخ: 22-10-2015              المصدر: Castro, Peter, and Michael E. Huber

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Marine Biologist
A marine biologist is someone who studies plants, animals, and other or-ganisms of the oceans, ranging from large marine mammals to microscopic plankton. Marine biologists study such subjects as animal behavior and ecology,  biomedical  uses  of  the  sea,  the  commercial  importance  of  the ocean’s  natural  resources,  and  methods  for  preservation  of  species  and habitats.
The need for marine biologists has increased because of growing inter­est in conservation of the oceans, and many are employed by private and government environmental protection and resource management agencies. For example, marine biologists are needed to determine catch quotas for species of fish in order to prevent a decline in population. In addition to performing basic research, they present information to governments and industries to aid in resource conservation decisions. As land development in­creases, marine biologists are needed to determine its effects on surround­ing habitats and whether an ecosystem can withstand human invasion. Marine biologists also find work worldwide teaching in colleges, universi­ties, and even some high schools. Many work on oceanographic research vessels and in laboratories from polar to tropical settings.

A marine biologist inspecting a coral reef in Indonesia that has been damaged by illegal fishing practices.
To be well prepared for a career in marine biology, a strong background in mathematics is crucial. One should also take a wide range of science courses in high school and college, such as biology, chemistry, physics, zo­ology, geology, marine science, oceanography, and atmospheric science. A working knowledge of computers is increasingly necessary for data collec­tion and analysis. Satellite imaging and global information systems (GIS) are common uses of computers in the field.
Summer courses and internships are available worldwide to provide hands-on experience with marine life, the use of field and laboratory equip­ment, and other aspects of marine research. Employment opportunities are available from the bachelor to the doctorate level, with greater indepen­dence, decision-making responsibility, and income at the higher levels.
American Fisheries Society Jobs Center Online. <http://www.fisheries.org/jobs.html>.
Castro, Peter, and Michael E. Huber. Marine Biology, 3rd ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2000.
Scripps Institution of Oceanography. <http://www.sio.ucsd.edu/>.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. <http://www.whoi.edu/>.

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